The sentence at the top left is what Shane presents to you as an example. The vowel sounds are always an issue to Spanish speakers. Listen carefully, repeat, get those sounds down. Specially the difference between ''want'' and ''won't'' since in American English are very different. Maybe among those three sounds ''won't'' is what varies most.
Daily Dictation 184
Ve justo al minute 13:50. Una vez más Coach Shane pone a prueba tu comprensión oral con Seinfeld. Seinfeld es uno de las series más exitosas en los EEUU. Todo el mundo conoce Seinfeld es un verdadero referente cultural y es la serie que estudiamos en profundidad en DDM. Como el mismo Coach Shane dice es una ''mina de oro'' para aprender como es el inglés de verdad
Go straitght to 13:50 to start the dictation. One more time Coach Shane, put your listening comprehension to the test using Seinfeld. Seinfeld is one of the most successful shows of all time in America. Everyone knows Seinfeld, it's just a true cultural model and it's the show we studied in depth in DDM. As Coach Shane says himself it's a ''gold mine'' when it comes to learning real English.
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