para aprender ingles
Tecleo en Google: "Inglés en 30 días" y obtengo 12.900.000 resultados. Si cambio a "Inglés en 6 meses" me salen 15 millones de resultados.
persona que esté en esto del aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera
sabe que ni en 30 días ni en 6 meses es posible lograr ese objetivo.
I type in on Google ''English in 30 days'' and I get 12.900 results. Then I change it to ''English in 6 months'' and I get 15 million results.
Those people who have learned a second language for a long time know that neither 30 days nor 180 days are enough to master a second language.
Me gustaría que viesen este blog: www.actividades-extraescolares.com/extraescolares/formulas-magicas-aprender-ingles
This link is in Spanish. Basically, it says that this is a long-term undertaking which requires endeavor and perseverance.
Hace unos días visité Duolingo https://www.duolingo.com/ . Este proyecto dotado con 18,3$ desde mi punto de vista parte de un mal comienzo: la traducción. Se basa en aprender idiomas traduciendo frases de una lengua a otra. Eso puede ser apropiado para aprobar examenes pero no para dominar una segunda lengua.
Hace unos días visité Duolingo https://www.duolingo.com/ . Este proyecto dotado con 18,3$ desde mi punto de vista parte de un mal comienzo: la traducción. Se basa en aprender idiomas traduciendo frases de una lengua a otra. Eso puede ser apropiado para aprobar examenes pero no para dominar una segunda lengua.
mismo puede decirse de Rosetta Stone http://www.rosettastone.es/
, Babbel http://es.babbel.com/ y
otros muchos famosisimos.
A few days ago I visited Duolingo which is a project provided with $18.3. From my viewpoint this is fully flawed since it is about translating sentences from a given language into another which is OK if you need to pass an exam yet it is way too far from mastering a second language. The same goes to Rosetta Stone, Babbel and other well-known ones.
Y de repente te tropiezas con un tipo divertido, familiar, como si lo conocieses de hace años, ese amigo que hubieses querido tener...y con una camara particular...en un pequeño apartamento...con unos recursos caseros...una pizarra...sin marketing...produciendo el 90% de su trabajo GRATIS...¿ Y es ése el método que estaba buscando? ¿Cómo es posible?.
sí, Sr Peterson (Shane), su obra es mucho mejor que proyectos de
millones de dólares. Pero lo que puede ser un orgullo para usted,
tambíen es una preocupación para mí. Y el motivo es que se siguen
enseñando mal los idiomas: desde la misma escuela y siguiendo por
enseñanzas superiores, o como hemos visto, a través de grandes
Otros recursos que pueden econtrar de utillidad: MrDuncan
(youtube); Luke´s english podcast; English Anyone... y otros.
Si quieres añadir más, deja tu comentario y ayuda a otros estudiantes.
And then you bump into an entertaining guy, familiar, as if you had known him for years, the kind of friend you'd like to have who with the help of a plain camera in his apartment and a white board as a background, produces 90% of his body of work for FREE, as introducing the kind of method you really are fully satisfied with. Is that it, how come?!
That's right Mr Peterson. Your method is much better than projects provided with millions of dollars. But what it is to be taken pride in for you may be something to be worried about for me and the reason is that they keep using the wrong approach from primary school to higher education and also through big companies.
Other English material you might find helpful, MrDuncan, Luke's English podcast, English Anyone...
If you want to add more leave a comment down below and help other students.
Si quieres añadir más, deja tu comentario y ayuda a otros estudiantes.
And then you bump into an entertaining guy, familiar, as if you had known him for years, the kind of friend you'd like to have who with the help of a plain camera in his apartment and a white board as a background, produces 90% of his body of work for FREE, as introducing the kind of method you really are fully satisfied with. Is that it, how come?!
That's right Mr Peterson. Your method is much better than projects provided with millions of dollars. But what it is to be taken pride in for you may be something to be worried about for me and the reason is that they keep using the wrong approach from primary school to higher education and also through big companies.
Other English material you might find helpful, MrDuncan, Luke's English podcast, English Anyone...
If you want to add more leave a comment down below and help other students.
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